Five in Five with Pete Jones from Des Moines is Not Boring

Name: Pete Jones | Full-time job: Wells Fargo Financial | City blogging from: Des Moines | 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? Des Moines is Not Boring, Proving Des Moines is NOT Boring, 2. Why do you blog? It’s fun, I enjoy it. As a kid, I thought Des…

Name: Pete Jones

Full-time job: Wells Fargo Financial

City blogging from: Des Moines

1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog?

Des Moines is Not Boring, Proving Des Moines is NOT Boring,

2. Why do you blog?

It’s fun, I enjoy it. As a kid, I thought Des Moines was boring. But, with recent changes in the city, and a new perspective, I now believe Des Moines to be one of the greatest cities in the world. Now I get to prove all the naysayers wrong cause Des Moines is NOT Boring.

3. How long have you been blogging and what software do you use?

Blog started in August of 2008 after it was initially a class project during my Grad School Studies. It took me nearly four month to pick a theme I wanted to write about. I have used WordPress for the past year, previous to that I used an archaic platform that isn’t worth mentioning.

4. What’s your favorite blog (besides your own)? – Timothy was my inspiration to start Blogging, so I cannot count another Blog in the same category as his. His insightful posts relate to Office Politics or Project Management, but he has the uncanny ability to intertwine an interesting topic into his story telling.

5. What do you think the state of the blogosphere is in our region?

Very sound. We have some exceptional Bloggers in Des Moines. There is a core group of Bloggers here who have no problem helping each other and when we are all in the same room there is no need for electricity because we create our own. Our strong core of bloggers goes hand in hand with the strong core of Social Media aficionados to create an amazingly strong community, one that I wish was emulated in other cities.

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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